Ways to Give at FreeChurch

Thank you for choosing to give to FreeChurch Toronto. There are four ways that you can give to our community:

1) E-transfer to treasurer[at]freechurch.ca

2) Direct deposit. 

3) In person giving on Sundays

4) Canada Helps
(please note that Canada Helps takes a percentage of each donation)


If you have any questions about giving at FreeChurch, please connect with our treasurer Jeff Lam: treasurer@freechurch.ca

Thank you for choosing to give to FreeChurch Toronto. There are four ways that you can give to our community:

1) E-transfer to treasurer[at]freechurch.ca

2) Direct deposit. 

3) In person giving on Sundays

4) Canada Helps
(please note that Canada Helps takes a percentage of each donation)


If you have any questions about giving at FreeChurch, please connect with our treasurer Jeff Lam: treasurer@freechurch.ca

Contact Us

If you would like any further information about FreeChurch Toronto, please e-mail us at admin@freechurch.ca

Bloor and Spadina
PO Box 19001
Toronto, ON
M5S 3C9

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